Das Retourservice-Ticket

Mit dem Witt & Co. Retourservice-Ticket beauftragen Sie schnell und einfach die Rücknahme Ihrer gebrauchten Industrieverpackungen und Leergebinde.


Mit dem Witt & Co. Retourservice-Ticket beauftragen Sie schnell und einfach die Rücknahme Ihrer gebrauchten Industrieverpackungen und Leergebinde

A. Witt + Co. GmbH - Retourservice-Ticket


How the Retourservice-Ticket works:

Easy and fast: you use the QR-Code or our website to fill in the Retourservice-ticket and send it to us via mail or fax.

Witt & Co. will carry out the collection from 4 pieces on throughout Germany within a few working days after receipt of the duly completed Retourservice-ticket. For pick-ups of small IBC quantities, the following flat rate freight charge applies: up to 10 pieces - 20 euros per IBC, up to 24 pieces - 14 euros per IBC, from 25 pieces on, pick-ups are free of freight charge.

Terms and Conditions

With the data above, the sender confirms that he will provide the Retourservice-partner with safety data sheets for the filling goods on request, that he will provide him with the empty industrial packaging listed above and that these comply with the following take-back conditions:

  • Pallet and basket can be reconditioned.
  • The packaging has been emptied of residue as completely as possible in accordance to the current state of the art, i.e. drip-free, and any residual content ammounts to a maximum of 0,5%  of  the packaging volume.
  • The packaging is firmly   closed   with   original closures.
  • The containers have not been misused or filled with other substances that are not in accordance with their original purpose.
  • The packaging has been neutralized before delivery and is product-free/odour-free if required by the product (e.g. toxic and/or strongly smelling products).
  • The packaging is provided with labels which correspond to the last product to be filled and which comply with the current transport regulations.

The sender further confirms that the Retourservice-partner is entitled, subject to any further claims, to return industrial packaging to the sender at the sender's expense if it does not comply with the above conditions, that he will compensate transport damage and all costs incurred by the Retourservice-partner for the disposal of any residual fillings or for the recycling of industrial packaging if these were caused by non-compliance with the return conditions.

For pick-ups of small IBC quantities, the following flat rate freight charge applies: up to 10 pieces - 20 euros per IBC, up to 24 pieces - 14 euros per IBC, from 25 pieces on pick-ups are free of freight charge.